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518. THE GEOLOGY OF MINNESOTA. [The Puckwunge conglom Laumontite, vems in dark rocks, Blurr, Mason, 1946b, "ruby" schist ("Goodletite" l, boulder, Rimu, Ulrich, 1893b: CIlROJ\UAN-MU5COVITE. Fe): Central Otago (:vIn, Fe) Hutton, 1957b: Review, Reed, 196Ue (Mn, Fe, H K·feldspar -tquartz + Cu·sulphldes ± anhydnte -t carbonate vems and veinlet. (E1) mineralizing processes, SpeciaJ paper 246: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Boulder. ('olorado: Western Intersiate. ('rinnisstin ftor Iligher E'trcatitin, 1060.
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